Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 3 - what to do with over ripe bananas? Paint 'em!

Day 3's offering is something a bit different for me.. a still life.  I had a couple over ripe bananas but not enough to make banana bread with so I was scratching my head wondering what to do.. and it hit me... paint them!  They were a bit boring on their own so I found an apple in the fridge and went outside and grabbed a dogwood branch.  It needed something to add a bit of height so I added the wine glass.  This is something a bit different for me and hope that you enjoy it.
Apple and Bananas Still Life
11"x14" Oil on Canvas


  1. Splendid painting Joni. I have to tell you..I am very impressed. Your first still life. WOW.

  2. Thank you Winston, It is not my first but its been years since I have done one and hasnt been a subject matter I have perused very much.

    Thank you Maggie!

  3. The glass makes a lot of difference, eh? Really lovely, Joni!
